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Thursday, June 24, 2010

You could poke your eye out, or worse

In doing some creative web surfing, I came upon some things called Wool Combs and Hackles for carding wool. Hmm, something I haven't seen yet, let's check it out. What I found were pictures of tools with spikes.
Wanting more, I emailed my source for all things, my sister, and asked what she knew. We talked on the phone and she said she used to have combs and hackles but she didn't think she had them anymore. Bummer. And she said the history of hackles was very interesting, something about muscular men swinging wool at nails.
Hmmmm, again.
Today I looked up more on the internet and found photos of women using wool combs and THOSE THINGS ARE HUGE!
Forget about bb guns, you really can put your eye out with these things!
My mind started to wander (I'm a writer you know) to scenarios from the middle ages where a disagreement breaks out between lovers in the barn and someone is murdered using a set of hackles.
It could have happened.
Now, I'm more curious. Does anyone know of a good website that shows more info on hackles?
I think I'll stick to the drum carder and hand carders.

1 comment:

  1. Next lovers quarrel, your husband will thank you for that. ~Otter
