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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Where do you come from?

This past weekend I listened to a talk by a man who was adopted at birth. After his parent's death, he discovered that his mother was Sioux and he was united with his birth family of brothers and sisters. He went on to explain how learning of his native heritage had influenced his life.
There is much interest these days about geneology, many internet sites and books about the topic.
Personally, I know half of my story. My grandmother on my father's side did a complete geneology of our family, going back to Norway in the 1700s.
On my mother's side is where the mystery begins. My grandfather was a storyteller and when asked about his past, he would tell many stories, but no one can say which are true and which were embellished. We have no documentation of his past other than there is some German in there somewhere.
Knowing where you came from can help you understand more about your family's traditions, habits, and idiosyncracies. It can explain why you have a certain hair color or facial features. It can help you understand your medical history.
But, it can also do other things.
It can limit you by putting you into a mold of your past.
It can create discrimination by separating you from others.
It can create exclusionism by causing groups to separate themselves.
People may want to know where they came from so they know where they fit in.
I know where I came from. I came from the mother earth. I came from earth, water, wind and fire. I came from the same place every other human on this planet came from.
Which brings us to another question.
Where are you going?
We are all going to the same place, back to our mother earth when we die. It's not where you came from that matters. It's the journey you take before you go back that is the whole reason we are here.
We are all one family, from one source. We all have indigenous roots if we can trace them back far enough. We all have cave man ancestors who sat around the fire and told stories of where they came from.
Perhaps in times to come, someone will trace their ancestry back to us and marvel in the fact that they are part 'earthling.'

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